Family Law System | Enews Issue 2 | Tell us your story

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Tell us your story about the family law system

As soon as the Review of the Family Law System was announced, the ALRC started receiving calls and emails from people keen to share their experiences of the family law system with us, in the hope their stories will illuminate some of the problems in the current system. The ALRC is not accepting submissions until the release of the Issues Paper in March 2018, however we are keen to hear these stories. To that end we have set up a page on the ALRC website that allows people to do this – simply and confidentially.

Unlike formal submissions, these stories are for the ALRC’s use only and will not be published. (However, all material received by the ALRC may be subject to Freedom of Information requests.) The ALRC does not handle complaints, nor can we offer legal advice or intervene in individual cases. The purpose of receiving these stories, or case studies, is to help us understand the different ways in which the family law system may be failing individuals and families or where there have been positive experiences that we should build on. We are particularly interested to hear about experiences within the past 5 years. 

Tell us your story >>

Advisory Committee

As indicated in our last enews, over the past few weeks we have been putting together an Advisory Committee, as per usual ALRC practice, to provide quality assurance in the research and consultation processes. We offer our sincere gratitude to all Advisory Committee members for their commitment to assisting the ALRC in this Inquiry.

See list of members >>

Important dates

27 September 2017

Terms of Reference received

March 2018

Issues Paper + call for submissions


April 2018

Submissions  to Issues Paper close

August 2018

Discussion Paper + call for submissions


Early October 2017

Submissions to Discussion Paper  close

31 March 2019

Report delivered to the Attorney-General