Access to information

The ALRC makes a range of information available for public access on its website, including publications, public submissions to our inquiries, submissions the ALRC makes to external inquiries, and public facing policies. The ALRC is committed to publishing information that increases the transparency of our decision-making processes.

Informal requests for information or documents

There may be some information that has not been published online. Most requests for information or copies of documents can be dealt with informally and quickly — a phone call or email may be all that is required. You can contact us by email to request access to ALRC information.

You also have the right to make a formal request for access to documents we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). See ‘Freedom of Information’. Before making an FOI request, please check our FOI Disclosure Log to make sure the information you are looking for has not already been released.

Personal information held by the ALRC

Personal information held by the ALRC may include documents that you have provided to us, submissions or written comments you have provided in relation to ALRC inquiries, records of conversation between yourself and ALRC staff, and database entries relating to website registration, newsletter subscriptions, and submissions.

The ALRC is able to provide certain kinds of personal information quickly and informally without an FOI request.

We will respond to informal requests for your personal information within 30 days. To speak to an ALRC officer about your personal information email

If we are unable to fulfil your informal request, we may ask you to make an FOI request for the information. You can also make an FOI request for the information at any time.

Information Publication Scheme

As required by the FOI Act, we have an Information Publication Scheme entry on our website that provides information on our structure, functions, appointments, annual reports, consultation arrangements, FOI officer, information we routinely release following FOI requests and information we routinely provide to Parliament.

FOI disclosure log

Our FOI disclosure log on our website lists information we have released in response to requests made under the FOI Act since 2011.