The ALRC welcomed over 290 attendees to the Corporate Criminal Responsibility Seminar Series held earlier this year. Each location featured an expert panel who delved into the most contentious issues raised from the Corporate Crime Discussion Paper, drawing discussion from the submissions received and consultations with regulatory bodies and stakeholders. The key aspects of the Discussion Paper considered at each seminar were the regulatory model, attribution and individual liability. Attendees from the judiciary, bar, law firms, regulators, law enforcement, industry, government and civil society had the opportunity to ask questions of the panel, and to continue the discussions over refreshments. The lively debate in each seminar has provided the ALRC with further ‘food for thought’ as we progress with writing the final report.
Download the Corporate Crime Slide Presentation.
Download the Individual Liability for Corporate Misconduct Paper.
Thank you to the panellists for the generosity of their time and expertise in participating in the seminars. Our thanks are also extended to our partners in Perth, the University of Western Australia, and in Melbourne, Monash University, for hosting well-attended and informative sessions.

Perth – 24 February 2020

Melbourne – 26 February 2020

Sydney – 27 February 2020

Brisbane – 2 March 2020