1.18 The organisation of this Report largely follows that of DP 68, with the material divided into eight substantial Parts, each of which contains a number of chapters. It is hoped that the use of small, targeted chapters will allow readers to identify and focus upon those parts of the Report that most concern them.
1.19 As usual, the preliminary material contains both an Executive Summary and a list of the 50 final recommendations. The ALRC has also included an ‘Implementation Schedule’, in order to highlight the body responsible for implementing each recommendation, with the ultimate aim of facilitating the adoption of the Inquiry’s recommendations.
1.20 Under s 23 of the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth), reports presented to the Attorney-General must be tabled in Parliament within 15 sitting days, after which they become public documents. All ALRC reports are available on the Commission’s website, at <www.alrc.gov.au>, and may be downloaded without charge. Participants in the Inquiry, including those who have made submissions, will be provided with a copy of this Report; other interested parties may purchase the Report in hard copy or CD-Rom format from the ALRC.
1.21 In an earlier era, the centrepiece of any significant law reform effort was the recommendation of a major new piece of legislation. However, in a more complex environment in which authority is more diffused, modern law reform efforts usually involve a mix of strategies, including legislation, guidelines, principles, education programs, and changed practices. This is the approach taken in this Report, which directs its varied recommendations for reform to government, independent agencies, industry and other non-government groups.
1.22 Finally, as is evident from the list of recommendations, this Report is not a self-executing document. The Inquiry provides advice and recommendations about the best way to proceed, but implementation is a matter for others.[12]
[12] However, the ALRC has a strong record of having its advice followed. About 60% of the Commission’s previous reports have been fully or substantially implemented, about 20% of reports have been partially implemented, and the remaining 20% have not been implemented or are still under consideration.