Name | Location |
ACT Government roundtable 5 May and 1 December 2014 Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and other agencies and participants | Canberra |
AgForce Queensland | Sydney |
Professor Jon Altman, Australian National University | Sydney |
Anthropologist round table Donna Bagnara, AIATSIS; Toni Bauman, AIATSIS; Dr Cameo Dalley, Australian National University; Ludger Dinkler, AIATSIS; Professor Nicolas Peterson, Australian National University; Dr Zelko Jokic, AIATSIS | Canberra |
Ashurst Jean Bursle; Geoff Gishubl | Perth |
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies | Sydney |
Australian Government, Attorney-General’s Department | Sydney |
Australian Government, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Melbourne and Canberra |
Australian Human Rights Commission | Sydney |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Donna Bagnara; Robert Powrie | Canberra |
Australian Local Government Association | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Michael Barker, Federal Court of Australia | Perth |
Professor Richard Bartlett, University of Western Australia | Sydney |
Shaun Berg, Berg Lawyers | Adelaide |
The Hon Michael Black AC QC, former Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia | Melbourne |
Robert Blowes SC, Barrister | Sydney |
Richard Bradshaw, Johnston Withers | Adelaide |
Associate Professor Sean Brennan, University of New South Wales | Sydney |
Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Broome |
Lauren Butterly, Australian National University | Sydney |
Cape York Land Council | Cairns |
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law Melissa Castan; David Yarrow | Melbourne |
Central Desert Native Title Services | Perth |
Centre for Native Title Anthropology, Australian National University Professor Nicolas Peterson; Dr Cameo Dalley | Sydney |
Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia | Perth |
The Hon Fred Chaney AO | Sydney |
Professor Len Collard, University of Western Australia | Perth |
Dr Valerie Cooms, Quandamooka (Chair of the Prescribed Body Corporate) and former Chief Executive Officer of Queensland South Native Title Services | Sydney |
Michael Durrant, Kelly & Co Solicitors | Adelaide |
Federal Court of Australia Warwick Soden, Chief Registrar; Ian Irving, Native Title Registrar | Sydney |
Federal Court of Australia The Hon Justice Berna Collier; the Hon Justice John Dowsett; Christine Fewings, Native Title Deputy Registrar; Nicola Colbran, Native Title Deputy Registrar | Brisbane |
Federal Court of Australia The Hon Justice Jayne Jagot; Ian Irving, Native Title Registrar | Sydney |
Dr Deane Fergie, University of Adelaide | Adelaide |
Christine Fewings, Deputy District Registrar (Native Title), Federal Court of Australia | Sydney |
The Hon Paul Finn, former Justice of the Federal Court of Australia | Sydney |
Dr Angus Frith, University of Melbourne | Melbourne |
Stephanie Fryer-Smith, National Native Title Tribunal | Sydney |
Dr Jonathan Fulcher, HopgoodGanim | Sydney |
Gerry Georgatos, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project | Sydney |
Oliver Gilkerson, Gilkerson Legal | Brisbane |
Goldfields Land and Sea Council | Sydney |
Mick Gooda, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Graham Hiley, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory | Darwin |
IP Australia | Canberra |
Indigenous Business Australia | Brisbane |
Indigenous Land Corporation | Sydney |
Just Us Lawyers Colin Hardie; Ted Besley | Brisbane |
Tim Kavenagh, Hunt & Humphry | Perth |
Gordon Kennedy, Australian Government Solicitor | Sydney |
Kimberley Land Council | Broome |
The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, former Justice of the High Court of Australia | Sydney |
Kred Enterprises Charitable Trust | Broome |
Patricia Lane, Barrister | Sydney |
Professor Marcia Langton, University of Melbourne | Melbourne and Sydney |
Law Council of Australia | Sydney |
Michael Maeorg, University of Adelaide | Adelaide |
The Hon Justice John Mansfield, Federal Court of Australia | Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide |
Ken Markwell, Wangerriburra/Mununjhali Traditional Owner | Brisbane |
Dominic McGann, McCullough Robertson | Brisbane |
Greg McIntyre SC, Barrister | Perth |
Marshall McKenna, Allens | Sydney |
Dr Mark McMillan, University of Melbourne | Melbourne |
Minerals and energy resources sector roundtable 23 January 2014 Association of Mining and Exploration Companies, Atlas Iron, BC Iron, Cameco, Fortescue Metals Group, Herbert Smith Freehills (Perth), Holman Fenwick Willan | Sydney |
Minerals and energy resources sector roundtable 31 March 2014 BHP Billiton, Buru Energy, Chevron, Herbert Smith Freehills, Rio Tinto | Perth |
Minerals and energy resources sector roundtable 30 October 2014 CMEWA, BHP Billiton, Minerals Council of Australia, Newcrest, Newmont, Rio Tinto, SA Chamber of Minerals and Energy | Melbourne |
Minerals Council of Australia | Sydney |
Wayne Morgan, Australian National University | Canberra |
Warren Mundine, Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council | Sydney |
NTSCORP | Sydney |
National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples | Sydney |
National Farmers’ Federation | Sydney |
National Native Title Council | Melbourne |
National Native Title Tribunal Raelene Webb QC, President; Stephanie Fryer-Smith, then Native Title Registrar; Dr Debbie Fletcher, Deputy Native Title Registrar; Frank Russo, Deputy Native Title Registrar | Perth |
National Native Title Tribunal Raelene Webb QC, President; Andrew Luttrell, Native Title Registrar | Canberra |
Native Title Services Victoria | Sydney |
Tony Neal QC, Barrister | Melbourne |
Graeme Neate, former President, National Native Title Tribunal | Sydney |
NSW Aboriginal Land Council | Sydney |
NSW Government, Crown Solicitor’s Office | Sydney |
NSW Government, Department of Trade | Sydney |
Professor Dwight Newman, University of Saskatchewan, Canada | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Anthony North, Federal Court of Australia | Melbourne |
North Queensland Land Council | Cairns |
Northern Land Council | Darwin |
Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association | Darwin |
Northern Territory Government, Department of the Attorney-General and Justice | Darwin |
Northern Territory Seafood Council | Darwin |
Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, Griffith University | Sydney |
Robert Orr PSM QC, Australian Government Office of Parliamentary Counsel | Sydney |
William Oxby, Herbert Smith Freehills | Brisbane |
Marnie Parkinson, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation | Sydney |
Pastoralists and Graziers Association | Perth |
Noel Pearson, Cape York Partnership | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Nye Perram, Federal Court of Australia | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Melissa Perry, Federal Court of Australia | Sydney |
Susan Phillips, Barrister | Sydney |
Primary Producers, South Australia | Adelaide |
Queensland Government, Department of Justice and Attorney-General | Brisbane |
Queensland Government, Department of Natural Resources and Mines | Brisbane |
Queensland Seafood Industry Association | Brisbane |
Queensland South Native Title Services | Sydney |
The Hon Justice Steven Rares, Federal Court of Australia | Sydney |
Reconciliation Australia | Canberra |
Respondents roundtable 25 March 2014 BHP Billiton, Harcourt Petroleum, Herbert Smith Freehills, NSW Minerals Council, QGC, Rio Tinto, Santos, Telstra | Brisbane |
Associate Professor Jacinta Ruru, University of Otago, New Zealand | Sydney |
Honorary Associate Professor Lee Sackett, University of Queensland | Brisbane |
Peter Seidel, Arnold Bloch Leibler | Melbourne |
Shire of Broome | Broome |
John Sosso, former Deputy President, National Native Title Tribunal | Brisbane |
South Australian Government, Crown Solicitor’s Office | Sydney |
South Australian Native Title Services | Adelaide |
South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council | Perth |
Associate Professor Margaret Stephenson, University of Queensland | Sydney |
Dr Lisa Strelein, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies | Sydney |
Dr Peter Sutton, University of Adelaide | Adelaide |
Associate Professor Maureen Tehan, University of Melbourne | Sydney |
Telstra | Sydney |
Torres Strait Regional Authority | Brisbane |
University of South Australia Professor Irene Watson, Tanganekald and Meintangk First Nations People; Professor Peter Buckskin, Narungga People; Dr Suzie Hutchings | Adelaide |
Victorian Government, Department of Justice and Regulation | Sydney |
John Waters, Barrister | Sydney |
Ed Wensing, Australian National University | Canberra |
Western Australian Farmers Federation | Perth |
Western Australian Fishing Industry Council | Sydney |
Western Australian Government, Department of the Premier and Cabinet | Sydney |
Western Australian Government, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Department of Mines and Petroleum, State Solicitor’s Office | Perth |
Tim Wishart, Queensland South Native Title Services | Sydney |
Stephen Wright, Barrister | Perth |
Wurundjeri Tribe and Land and Compensation Cultural Heritage Council | Melbourne |
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation | Perth |
Dr Simon Young, University of Western Australia | Sydney |