
2.1 The Issues Paper identified several principles for reform directed to providing an effective framework of exceptions and statutory licences in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Stakeholders overall supported the principles identified. Some submissions amplified and clarified the underlying principles, or suggested a ranking, which the Issues Paper did not attempt. Overall, stakeholders agreed about basic principles, but not about how they are to be interpreted or prioritised.

2.2 In defining the policy settings for this Inquiry in the form of specific framing principles, assistance may be derived from existing laws, other relevant reviews and government reports, and international developments. The principles outlined are not the only considerations in copyright reform, but they generally accord with other established principles, including those developed for the digital environment[1] and importantly, are the ones stakeholders have identified for the purposes of this Inquiry.

2.3 Following stakeholder input, the framing principles for this Inquiry are discussed below.

[1] See, eg, World Economic Forum, Global Agenda Council on the Intellectual Property System Digital Copyright Principles <> at 1 February 2013.