Question 20 What changes to court processes could be made to facilitate the timely and cost-effective resolution of family law disputes?
Question 21 Should courts provide greater opportunities for parties involved in litigation to be diverted to other dispute resolution processes or services to facilitate earlier resolution of disputes?
Question 22 How can current dispute resolution processes be modified to provide effective low-cost options for resolving small property matters?
Question 23 How can parties who have experienced family violence or abuse be better supported at court?
Question 24 Should legally-assisted family dispute resolution processes play a greater role in the resolution of disputes involving family violence or abuse?
Question 25 How should the family law system address misuse of process as a form of abuse in family law matters?
Question 26 In what ways could non-adjudicative dispute resolution processes, such as family dispute resolution and conciliation, be developed or expanded to better support families to resolve disputes in a timely and cost-effective way?
Question 27 Is there scope to increase the use of arbitration in family disputes? How could this be done?
Question 28 Should online dispute resolution processes play a greater role in helping people to resolve family law matters in Australia? If so, how can these processes be best supported, and what safeguards should be incorporated into their development?
Question 29 Is there scope for problem solving decision-making processes to be developed within the family law system to help manage risk to children in families with complex needs? How could this be done?
Question 30 Should family inclusive decision-making processes be incorporated into the family law system? How could this be done?